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Classmate Profiles (1930)
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Russell T. Axtell
F. William Baer
Francis G. Bauer
Francis A. Bergfeld
Thomas B. Bick, Jr.
Ralph R. Bober
Francis L. (Bud) Boedeker
Robert J. Boehm, Jr.
Joseph C. Borgel
Carl H. Boyle
Thomas P. Boyle
Stephen J. Brislane
Paul R. Brumby
Mr. William V. Brumby, Jr.
Thomas S. Buban
Arthur F. Burch
Henry A. (Harry) Bussen
Joseph E. Byrne
Thomas L. Byrnes
Charles J. Capra
Thomas J. Carmen
Joseph M. Carter
Joseph J. Castulik
August J. Claes
Leo R. Clooney
Jack Corcoran
James Cradick
Andrew R. Crawford
J. Francis Cunningham
Walter T. Cunningham
Raymond Daly
James T. Devaney
John F. Doherty
Oliver C. Dougherty
Edward J. Dunne, Sr.
James W. Durbin
Votaw S. (Took) Durbin, Jr.
Anthony S. (Bud) Eil…
George P. Epstein
Emmet Farrell
William Finan
Francis J. Fisher
Francis Fister
George J. Flarlong
James J. Flavin
Edward A. (Pappy) Foley
Virgil J. Friel
Norbert T. Gallagher
William J. Gerwitz
William J. Giovanni
David Godfrey
Charles T. Grade
Clifford J. Grade
Charles Grady
Anthony Gralike
Arthur Hanneke
Rodney C. Haug
Charles R. Heaven
J. Blake Heida
Francis M. Higgins
Fred A. Hodes
Alva Hoffman
George H. Huber
Carl Hufft
Benton Hughes
Julius A. Hummel Sr.
Edwin J. Hussey
Thomas F. Jennings, Jr.
Theodore Jostedt
Albert Kaiman
Raymond Kaletta
Robert Kathmann
Gerald J. Kearney
Joseph M. Keating
Lawrence T. Keeven
John H. Keliher
Daniel Kelly
Aloysius Kennedy
James Kisling
J. Howard Klein
James Klorer
Clement A. Knefel
Charles Koch
Leonard J. Kopp
Joseph M. Krebs M. D.
Marion W. Kren
Clarence J. Krings
Eugene B. Kruczyk
Alphonse C. Krull
Lucian J. Kuntz
August J. Lammert
John (Jack) P. Lane
Edwin Leibinger
Joseph Lowry
Arthur Mahoney
John Mariani
John C. McCann
Rev. J. Glennon McCarty,…
Joseph S. McDermott
Michael McDonough
Joseph H. Meis
Leon J. Mestres
William Mooney
Edward F. Morris
Mr. Russel J. Mosberger
Charles F. Murray
Joseph F. Nemeth
William P. Nolan
Charles R. Noonan
Edward O'Brien
John J. O'Brien
James O'Connell
William O'Connor
Rev. Charles O'Neill Sm
Robert J. O'Shaughnessy
Vincent O'Toole
James A. Pelchman
Leo Pflieger
John H. Poelker
Jules Frank Pratte
William Price
Paul T. Rafter
Joseph A. Redmond
Rudolph Resetaritz
Lawrence C. Roach
Joseph A. Rogers
Aloysius P. Roth
Stanislaus Rozumek
Raymond Schaller
Lambert Schene
Harvey L. Schmitt
Alphonse M. Schneiderhahn
Henry Schweizer
Charles W. Sennewald
Frank J. Siesener
Francis Signaigo
Russell Skinner
Edward C. Speckart
Raymond J. Tenge
Anthony F. Tepe
Kenneth E. Thompson
Anthony H. Timme
Francis Vennari
Cornelius J. Vennemann
Frederick Wilbert Wendt
Vincent R. Wheelhouse
Francis X. Wieck
Lambert F. Wigge
Herman P. Winkelmann
Edward J. Wisner
Norbert Yontz
Donald J Young